WaVe – Dynamic simulation of sustainable hydrogen combustion for the provision of primary control power in thermal power plants

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To promote hydrogen as a key technology for the energy transition, the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science has launched interdisciplinary innovation laboratories for hydrogen technologies. The IKW is working together with the Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven on this project with the aim of flexibly providing hydrogen-based primary control power in thermal power plants.

Project content

Due to fluctuating wind and solar energy, the amount of electricity available fluctuates. For short-term balancing, primary control power is necessary, which has so far been realised mainly through energetically disadvantageous throttling in thermal steam power plants.

This project aims to show that primary control power can instead be provided by burning hydrogen and oxygen to form steam. This process is integrated into the steam cycle of thermal power plants. For future industrial use, it is essential that corresponding hydrogen burners can be designed safely and adapted to different power plants.

The following methods are applied within the scope of the work: First, a transient model of a combined cycle power plant is created.

Then, a PriO2H2 (Primary control by Oxygen and Hydrogen combustion) is integrated into the model in order to find the optimal position of the feed in terms of process technology and to carry out a holistic analysis of the effects of the PriO2H2 on the water-steam cycle and its components. Likewise, the effects of the residual gas content of the combustion of H2 and O2 on the generator output and the extraction of non-condensable gases will be explored.

Targeted experiments and a time-dependent plant simulation model form the basis for the construction of power plants with a hydrogen-oxygen combustion chamber. Since both products of water electrolysis - hydrogen and oxygen - are used, a storage system of particularly high energy value is created. This will make a significant contribution to security of supply.

Cooperation partners

Contact person

Niklas Siwczak, M. Sc.
Research Staff
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
Niklas Siwczak, M. Sc.
Research Staff
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen