Master laboratory Wärmeübertragung

No. Course Catalogue: 310293

The module teaches the practical application of the theoretical principles of heat transfer.

Laboratory description

Teaching language

All classes of the module are held in German.

After successful completion of the module, students will be able to

  • explain the operation of heat exchangers in direct current and countercurrent circuits,
  • carry out measurements on a test bench to analyse heat transfer in bulk materials,
  • independently determine heat transfer coefficients from measurements and validate them with the help of suitable literature.


  • Comparison of counter-current and direct-current heat exchangers using a real-life example in terms of process requirements and sustainability
  • Experimental analysis of heat transfer in packd beds
  • Determination and validation of heat transfer coefficients from measured data

Course registration and materials

Lecture and exercise materials, as well as a collection of past exams with sample solutions, can be found under this course in Stud.IP.